This is our flagship self-study course for women experiencing relationship anxiety. Release your relationship baggage, see your partner clearly again, drop the “shoulds” causing you shame and doubt, and feel confident in your relationship. The course includes 22+ hours of video curriculum.

This Online Course Includes:

-Access to the 12 Both Feet In Self Study Course video course lectures and exercises (22 hours). This is the core curriculum that we teach to all of our coaching clients.

Module 1: Birds Eye View 

Take inventory of stressors and transitions in your life contributing to the experience of anxiety, so you can consciously choose how to re-prioritize how you’ll be spending your time and energy in this program.

Module 2: The Art of Awareness 

Get laser clear at identifying what’s really going on inside -- so you can set the stage to alchemize it into artistic expression, using it as a tool to heal old repressed emotions.

Module 3: Life Story

Take inventory of the experiences you’ve been through, helping you erupt compassion for yourself and observe your outdated belief systems with love and a little push… to make space for new, empowering ones.

Module 4: Re-writing history

Learn how to take a painful memory (and the belief you absorbed as a result) and use your imagination to heal and re-create a new experience of that memory so it no longer holds power over you, releasing triggers one by one as they arise… so that you can embrace possibilities of love and trust instead of cowering in the memories of fear.

Module 5: Parts Work

Learn how to speak to and disarm anxiety without ignoring it or shaming it (two approaches that make anxiety stronger), and drop into tender, vulnerable emotions hidden underneath in a safe way.

Module 6: Projections, Transitions, and Change

What if your terrifying thoughts about your partner’s “not-enoughness” was really about you and not them? Learn to identify a projection and stop it in its tracks, as you bring your attention back to your own needs and inner experience.

Module 7: Nonviolent Communication

Learn to express your needs in a way that feels empowering and safe for you to give and for your partner to receive, and strengthen the likelihood your partner will naturally desire to meet them for you.

Module 8: Loving the Shadow

Notice your shadow aspects that show up in relationship: the needy little girl, the bitch, the endless rage, the slut, the brat, the narcissist, your spiritual ego, the manipulator... etc. Learn to love them. Knowing and owning all of yourself will set you free.

Module 9: Attachment Styles

Learn the different types of attachment styles and how they’re formed, and the medicinal inner and outer practices to move towards secure attachment.

Module 10: Masculine/Feminine Polarity: The Art of Drama

Take Nonviolent Communication up a notch and learn to use your body and your soft vulnerable heart as a vehicle to express your deepest needs to your partner -- so that you can embrace your inner drama queen and evoke your partner’s desire to gift you their reverence and attention.

Module 11: Parts Work - The Outer Piece

Many beliefs we develop about love were unconsciously handed to us without our consent. Learn how to dialogue with those that handed them to you, create resolve and forgiveness -- just for you… so that you can move forward with your own empowering narrative about yourself and your relationship.

Module 12: The Sensual Bad Bitch

Embody new sides of yourself that you don’t share with the world. Discover what it means to be alive without relying on your partner to turn you on, and take full accountability for your pleasure.

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Hi, I’m Natalie. I almost left the man of my dreams because I was A. too scared to commit and B. constantly showing up in a way that made us interact with one another in icky, uninspiring ways.

I'm a relationship anxiety coach and meditation teacher. I help women do the inner and outer work in their relationships so they can show up securely in a way they feel proud of, while feeling authentically attracted to their partners. My approach combines a specific kind of collaborative-type meditation while also implementing conscious tools to create magnetic connection and trust.

I made this course as a way to help you immediately shift icky, shameful dynamics around needs and emotions, while also opening up space for your partner to be her/himself. I've been with my partner 9 years and use these exact tools to create attraction and trust-- people often think we've been dating 6 months!

It's my hope that this course will be the beginning of a self-reflective journey that wildly impacts the way you interact with and feel about your partner.